If you don’t know how to know when iMessages have been delivered or read, this guide has explained all you need to know. It isn’t enjoyable to send a message and not be sure if it has been read or delivered to the recipient. This guide has explained a simple way of knowing when your iMessage has been delivered. Let’s start!
How Do I Know if My iMessage Was Delivered?
Apple tried to be better than other messaging services, explaining why they introduced the status messages that indicate below messages when you use iMessage. When the recipient’s phone is within the range and their phone is not turned off, they will receive your message on their phone. When that happens, iMessage will indicate on your phone that the message has been delivered. You will see a delivered notification below the message you sent. Moreover, if the receiver has enabled the Read Receipts feature, your phone will update you once your message has been read. When the feature is enabled, you will see a “read” message when the receiver reads it. The delivered will change to Read, meaning the message was delivered and read by the receiver. Sometimes, you may not see the read message because many people don’t like enabling the Read receipts feature. People feel enabling the feature forces them to reply to messages when they are not ready. Thus, in most cases, you may only see the delivered message.
Why Is iMessage Not Showing Any Message?
Some users have expressed that even if they send messages through iMessage, they don’t see any message below the sent message. Does that mean the receiver blocks you? There is a possibility that the receiver has blocked you when you realize there is no message indicating below the message you are sending. But before you conclude that you have been blocked, it is advisable to confirm that the message is not showing sending. You can check on the top of the screen and see if there is a “Sending…” message. If so, it means your network is unreliable, and your message has not been sent to the other party explaining why you don’t see the delivered or read message. But, if you don’t see the sending message and there is no delivered message, it may mean any of the following.
The receiver has blocked you. The receiver phone is off. The receiver is not within a network range. You are out of a network range.
Therefore, you should not be mad with the receiver because any of the above may be the case if you do not see the delivered message.
iMessage helps make communications better. With the app, you can easily tell when your message has been delivered or read, preventing you from sending a single message too many times. The guide has explained how you will know when your message has been read. If you don’t know how to do that, read this post!