However, you guys need to make sure that you are deleting your snaps before the person sees them because if your friend has already opened your snap, then there’s no reason to delete it. In today’s article, we will find out the easiest way to delete already sent Snapchats. So, let’s break into the article!

How To Delete An Already Sent Snapchat?

In 2018, when Snapchat updated, it started allowing people to delete their sent messages and snaps. However, users weren’t allowed to delete the snap even from one side before the update. But now, you can actually delete from both sides. If you haven’t installed Snapchat yet, here’s how you can do it: After installing Snapchat, and opening it, here’s how you can delete a snap: However, this function will not always work if you have a poor internet connection or a previous version of Snapchat. Still, the deleting of Snapchat will work without any issue. Therefore, if you delete a “Delivered”, but not “Opened” snap, it means the user sitting on the other side of the screen won’t be able to see what you have sent.

What Happens After You Delete A Message On Snapchat?

After tapping on the okay option and deleting the snap, it will display a quick message to inform the other person that you have deleted a message. For instance, Snapchat will display a text saying (person’s name) has deleted a snap. This is how you are confirmed that the snap has finally been deleted from both sides. If the chat displays a message that (the person) has taken a screenshot, then there’s no point deleting your snap since it means that the person has already opened the snap and taken the screenshot of it.

Final Words

Sending daily snaps and making streaks are great ways to socialize with others on Snapchat. However, sometimes it happens that you share your snap with the wrong person, which can be a real problem. Since the 2018 update, Snapchat has enabled you to remove your messages and snaps.

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