Discord is flooded with tons of bots that help automate tasks for the user, but do you know that you can also create your bot? I know it might sound like some complex job requiring complicated programming, but believe it is not! Let us break it down for you. Bots can help to save a lot of your time by performing various functions for you. There are many bots that Discord offers. You can also create yours if you do not want to use other bots. You can even create a Discord bot using your mobile. Keep reading to learn in detail!
Creating Bot Using Your Mobile Device
We have already discussed creating a Discord bot on your computer without coding; find it here! It is time to help all our friends who want to take things one notch up by creating a bot using a mobile device. The process is simple, and the fun thing is that you do not need to know coding to create a perfectly functioning bot for your server and others. Let’s learn how to create a bot on your mobile phones without coding.
Step #1: Create Bot
Step #2: Invite The Bot
You must know how to invite a bot to your server by now. All you have to do is: Your bot will appear on your server, and you can see it under the “Members List.”
Step #3: Make the Bot With Any Third-party Application
Bonus Information
You can create commands for whatever action you want. You can also assign the prefix you want to trigger the command in the Bot Designer app. Let’s take an example of a simple “Hi” command you want to create for your bot. There are so many options you can choose from. For example, If you select “Send reply message,” it will ask you to write the reply you want for this command. Similarly, you can send an image in response to any command, add a reaction, or even kick or ban mentioned users. After designing the command, save it and test it on your Discord app.
Final Thoughts
Discord has been popular for many reasons, and bots are one of these. You can try many Discord bots to help you automate various server tasks. Try our guide if you want to create your own bot, but coding scares you. With our guide, you can easily create a Discord bot on your mobile devices.