If any friends aren’t online, then they won’t appear here. In this article, we’ll show you how to view friends on Snapchat to see who’s checking out your snaps. Finally, if you want to view your complete list of friends – here is the list of all the methods that you can use.

Do You Know How To View Friends on Snapchat?

Snapchat allows users to find their friends, but not everyone can find them. This guide shows you how to view friends on Snapchat to see what they’re up to. Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing it:

Method #1: Click on Your Bitmoji & Story Thumbnail

The first method is relatively straightforward. Using this method, the friends that appear on your list are the ones who were also able to re-add you as a friend: The list of your friends will appear under categories such as “Best Friends”, “Recent”, and “Alphabetical”.

Method #2: Take a Random Snap

If you want to view your Snapchat friends’ list using this method, you need to create a new snap. As with the last method, this one will also similarly arrange the friends’ list. With this method, you’ll be able to see the “Quick Add” category, where you’ll be able to add friends from the list.

Method #3: Create a New Chat

To access your friends’ list using this method, you can create a new chat. The present method provides a more organized list than the previous one. As a result, the friends you communicate with the most will likely fall into the “Best Friends” category. Next, you’ll see all the friends you’ve added recently under the Recents category, and then there are all your friends listed in alphabetical order under the All category.

Method #4: Click on the Search Icon

This method is also straightforward, just like the first method, making it easy to use and understand. With this method, you can’t see your friends’ lists in an organized way:

Who Are Your Best Snapchat Friends?

If you have a friend who uses Snapchat, you can add them as best friends. The best part about adding someone as a best friend on Snapchat is that they’ll be able to see all of your stories, including ones from before they added you as a friend. As a result, it can be beneficial for family members or coworkers who live far away and don’t get to see each other often! To add someone as a best friend on Snapchat, go into the app and tap their name in your contacts list. They’re like your besties: they get you and what you’re up to and won’t judge you. The only difference between a best friend and a regular friend is that best friends will receive every Snap you send out. As a result, if you want to keep your content away from certain people, make sure not to add them as a friend!


Snapchat certainly offers us many fun ways to communicate with our friends. However, the app’s interface can sometimes be confusing after new updates. Because of this, it’s critical to know all the ways of accessing your friends’ lists. When you cannot find any information, you’ll get frustrated with the app. This guide covers everything you need to know about how to view friends on Snapchat; this guide covers everything you need to know.

Frequently Asked Question

Trying to clear Snapchat’s cache could help if you are confident you have logged in with the correct account. You can do this via the Settings tab, which you can find at the end of the app.

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