Some people just set their LinkedIn profiles anyhow they like forgetting that no one has a second chance to make a first impression. If you want to get profitable Business connections or job opportunities, You must take the time to set up a professional LinkedIn profile. While viewing your profile, you should position yourself in place of an employer who is looking to hire a professional for a vacant position in their company. If you are faithful to yourself, you will surely know whether your LinkedIn profile is professional or needs some editing. There are two different but straightforward methods by which you can view your profile on LinkedIn. We will cover everything in the remaining part of this article. Please, make sure you read to the end.

View LinkedIn’s Profile As Someone Else

How do I control what my connections see in my profile and who is not on my network? LinkedIn provides us with a simple but at the same time comfortable and practical function to allow us, for example, after a series of changes to our profile or its settings, to check what our connections see in our profile and who is not part of our network of contacts.

Method #1: View LinkedIn Profile As Someone Else Directly From Your Page

At this point, you will find your profile in the same way that your contact (in your network) or any other visitor, even not registered on LinkedIn, would see it. To switch from one view to another (link or public profile), all you have to do is, choose the mode you want to be displayed.

Method #2: View Your LinkedIn Profile As Someone Else From Incognito Mode

Remember that everyone who knows how to do it does it. There is nothing wrong with finding information where you know you can certainly find it.


From the above content, you have learned in two different ways how you can view your profile as someone else and why it’s important to create a professional-looking profile on LinkedIn. Always remember that your profile speaks on your behalf.

  1. Log in to LinkedIn.2) Click on the profile picture.3) Then click on private to you.4) Click on who viewed your profile.
  2. Go to your LinkedIn profile.2) In the top right corner, click on edit profile & URL.3) In front of the open URL, and click on the pen icon to customize the link the way you like.
  3. Go to your LinkedIn profile.2) In the top right corner, click on edit profile & URL.3) Scroll down, locate and click on create a bag under public profile bag.4) Then follow the instructions that pop up.
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