For instance, what does it mean if you see the green dot on Telegram? Read on to learn what the green dot on Telegram means and how you can control it. This guide covers what the green dot means on Telegram. Still, we will discuss the last seen and online status on Telegram and how to manage it to ensure you restrict who can see the green dot on your Telegram.
What Does the Green Dot Mean on Telegram?
Telegram is an instant messaging global application available for different devices. When you view your Telegram contacts, you will see each contact’s last seen or online status depending on how they’ve set their privacy settings. Telegram has this feature to enhance engagement on the platform, as people can know the best time to message each other depending on their availability. For instance, if you see someone was last active a week ago, you can’t message them something urgent on Telegram. Besides, other social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp offer the same feature to know when someone was last active or online on the platform. On Telegram, when you see the green dot, a particular person is online. Thus, you are sure that if you message the person, they will likely reply instantly. Similarly, if you’ve set your last seen and online status to be publicly available, other people can also see the green dot next to your name depending on how you’ve set your privacy settings.
How To Hide the Green Dot on Telegram
If you find the last seen and online status activity an invasion of privacy, you can edit how you want the settings to display. You can decide to select only your contacts to view your activity. Alternatively, you can allow everybody or nobody. Here’s how to disable the green dot on Telegram.
On Telegram Mobile App
On Telegram Desktop App
With the two options, you’ve disabled the last seen and online activity. Therefore, others can’t know when you are online as no green dot will appear next to your name. Similarly, you won’t see when other people are online as you’ve disabled the online status on your Telegram.
The green dot on Telegram is an indicator that means someone is currently online. You can control online activity by restricting who can see when you are online. Still, you can hide your online activity from everyone. This post has explained what the green dot means on Telegram and how to control it.